Flourescent Bulbs
Disposal of fluorescent bulbs is free for residents. The fee for businesses and organizations is $1.00 per bulb.
We accept car batteries, rechargable batteries, and lithium batteries. Car batteries must be capped and can not be cracked. We do not accept alkaline batteries.
Tires & aUTO
We accept tires, automotive oil and fluids, gas, anti-freeze, and filters. (Limit of 5 gallons). See the table for tire disposal fees.

Electronics include Computers, Monitors, TVs, stereos, DVD players, phones, VCRs, printers, scanners, tablets, etc.
Screened electronics such as tablets, monitors and televisions are subject to a $15.00 disposal fee.
If it has a cord, we consider it an electronic!
Appliances include Ovens, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dishwashers, Freezers, Washers and Dryers, etc.
Refrigerant Bearing items such as refrigerators, freezers, and dehumidifers are subject to a $15.00 disposal fee.
Pharmaceutical Waste
Below are the Locations within our district where residents can dispose of medications and sharps.